On this page you will find contact points for the development of media skills, as well as counseling and help in the case of excessive media use. The goal is to educate people about media addiction and to help them deal with misinformation, hate speech or conspiracy theories.
There is now a wide range of advice centers on the Internet, a selection on various topics is collected here. English content is marked with “[ENG]”. The websites can be accessed via the hyperlinks.
Linked organizations | Offers of the counseling centers |
Bündnis gegen Cybermobbing | - Focus on bullying on the Internet - Hotlines for children, adolescents and parents in need of help - Guidebooks tailored to adolescents, teachers and parents - Prevention programs for schools |
Beratungsstelle Extremismus | - Advice center and hotline for dealing with conspiracy myths - Can be contacted by phone (free of charge only from Austria), e-mail, Facebook and WhatsApp |
Beratungsstelle Zivile Helden | - Counseling centers for violence, hate on the net and radicalization - also: interactive videos and games on dealing with anti-Semitism, conspiracy myths, violence, hate on the net and radicalization from adolescence onwards. |
veritas | [ENG] version of website available - Counseling center for victims of conspiracy narratives - Counseling by phone, mail, a video tool or in person in Berlin |
Fachverband Medienabhängigkeit | - Collection of counseling and contact points for affected persons and relatives of media addicts - Self-help groups, outpatient and inpatient addiction services, therapists with a focus on media addiction |
Ins Netz gehen | - Database on counseling centers for young people with excessive media use - Self-test for the assessment of media addiction |
Childline | [ENG] - Wide range of counseling services for different age groups and topics via video chat, telephone and chat. - Articles about different topics, as well as toolbox with mind diary, "coping kit" and more |